Library Patrons have the right to receive assistance from library staff and to use the library and its services without being disturbed by others. They have a responsibility to behave in a manner that does not violate the rights of others and their use of the library or interfere with library services and operations, including library personnel’s performance of their duties. All areas of the library, including meeting rooms, entrances, restrooms, furnishings, and equipment and virtual meeting space must be used for their intended purposes and are covered by this policy.
1. Talking loudly, making noise, including use of cell phones, or engaging in intrusive or disruptive conduct that disturbs others is not allowed.
2. Loud and boisterous behavior, physical or verbal harassment and the use of profanity is prohibited. Persons exhibiting such behavior will be asked to leave. Police will be called if necessary.
3. Use of library computers or virtual meeting space to harass or bully is inappropriate and grounds for loss of privileges.
4. Use of tobacco in any form, smoking, e-cigarettes, or use of a controlled substance is not allowed.
5. Soliciting, handing out pamphlets or sale of items is not permitted on the property with the exception of fundraising activities of the library or permission from the Library Director or Board of Directors.
6. Appropriate attire, including shirts and shoes, must be worn at all times.
7. Animals are not allowed in the library unless they are service animals. Exceptions may be granted for programming purposes.
8. Activities (such as bicycling, skateboarding, or running) that present safety hazards are not permitted.
9. Roller skates, roller blades, skateboards and bicycles are not allowed in the library. They should not block sidewalks or the entrances to the library.
10. Library staff is not responsible for a patron’s personal belongings. Personal belongings should not be left unattended.
11. The library reserves the right to inspect all bags, purses, briefcases, packs and the like.
12. Audio equipment and computers must be used with headphones.
13. Any purposeful damage done to library materials, equipment, furniture or building, or other property of the library is against the law and will be reported to the police.
Any person who violates these rules and regulations may be asked by a staff member to leave the library or withdraw from virtual meeting space. Access to library facilities or virtual meeting space may be limited for a period of time if the rules of conduct are not observed. Library employees may ask for assistance from the local police department.
The Hershey Public Library Code of Conduct will be reviewed and subject to revision annually, by library administration and the library board.
Children in the Library
Parents or guardians are responsible for the behavior of their children in the library at all times.
Children under 12 years of age must be supervised by a person 14 years of age or older.
Children 12 years of age and older must know how to contact a parent or guardian.
Parents/guardians and children are reminded that the library is a public facility. Library staff will assist with library related activities. Appropriate behavior and supervision are the responsibility of the parent/guardian and are expected at all times.
If a problem arises with a child of any age and the staff is unable to locate a parent/guardian, the police may be called at the discretion of the library staff.
If a child remains at the library after closing and the staff is unable to locate a parent/guardian, the police may be called at the discretion of the library staff.
Board Approved 5.19.20