Hosted Groups


Looking for a group to join? Hershey Public Library plays host to a number of groups that meet at the library and are open to new members. If you are interested in joining a group, you may either stop by at one of the meetings, or contact the person listed.



Cocoa Area Fiber Enthusiasts 

This is a free social group for yarn spinners, knitters, crocheters, weavers, and fiber artists. Our goal is to foster the creativity and skills of our members through demonstrations, Show ‘n Tell, and workshops.  All adult fiber artists are welcome, and encouraged to bring friends. We welcome all levels of talent to our group. Members are urged to bring a fiber craft project, a Show ‘n Tell, and a bag lunch to each meeting. Meeting time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., usually on the 3rd Saturday of each month, with an occasional exception around certain holidays. Contact Person: Loren Chasalow at

Hershey Quilters

The Hershey Quilters is an informal group of quilters interested in sharing ideas and projects. We have an on-going active charity program, making and donating quilts to various organizations. We welcome all levels of interest! Meeting times: 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month.  Also, anytime there is a fifth Thursday in a month, the group meets from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. for a charity work day (drop in). Regular meetings are held from 12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Contact Person: Dorothy Pederson at (717) 565-1144.

Hershey Area Neighbors and Newcomers Club 

The purpose of the Hershey Area Neighbors and Newcomers Club is to promote friendship, to increase the members’ knowledge concerning the functioning of the local community, and to provide opportunities for social interactions through a variety of interest groups. Meeting times: 2nd Monday of the month from September through April (no meeting in December). Meetings begin at 10:15 a.m. Contact Persons:  Anita Chilmaza and Lisa Wyatt.

Hershey Area Pokemon Club

Hershey Area Pokemon Club is a social group for anyone interested in Pokemon.  All ages and experience levels are welcome.  Activities include card trading, Pokemon card games, Nintendo Switch Pokemon games ( you must bring your own Switch and game), coloring pages and Pokemon sketching.  All ages are welcome to attend but children ages 11 and under must have a responsible adult remain in the library.  Please direct questions to Jen Sloppy at

MOMS Club of Derry Township

MOMS Club of Derry Township, a non-profit 501-c-3, will be holding a monthly meet and greet for our members and their children to gather, play, and socialize. We open our meet and greets up to other mothers in the community interested in joining our group.
Contact Person: Caitlin Mersky,


Postpartum Breastfeeding Support Group

This program is offered through Penn State Hershey Medical Center. This class is designed for after the birth of your baby and provides nutritional information and open discussion on breastfeeding and mothers who are returning to work. This support group is for all mothers to share, learn, and have fun with their babies. Topics include: Is baby getting enough? Dealing with family, pumping and storage, supplementing and weaning and helpful hints. We can weigh the baby before and after a feed to get a transfer amount. All classes are taught by certified childbirth educators and registered nurses. There is no charge for this class. Regular meetings are held on Tuesday and Thursday from 10:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Contacts: Kristi Ecenroad, (717) 531-6981, Gwendalin Hoenich-Moyer,

Chess Club

Join Chess Club for a fun afternoon of chess led by chess coach Leteef Street.

While all are welcome, children ages 11 and under must have a responsible person remain in the library during chess club.