Postings and Publicity Policy
In order to maintain and manage the appearance and dispensing or posting of information in the Hershey Public Library, the Library must approve all signs, posters, brochures, fliers, notices, etc. that are intended to be placed within the Library. Said postings will be confined to designated bulletin boards, wall space or lobby display racks and are not permitted on painted surfaces, furniture or the exterior of the building.
Material to be approved must be submitted to the Library Director, or Public Services Manager. Priority will be given to Hershey Public Library events, Derry Township events, and nonprofit organizations or events. Commercial signage will not be considered for posting.
Display Area Policies
Bulletin Board and Brochure Rack Policies
Library bulletin boards and brochure racks are to be used to post the following, in priority order, only after reviewed and approved by the Library:
- Library, Library Endowment, or Friends of the Library information and events
- Township information and events
- Non-profit, educational, or cultural information and events in Derry Township or nearby communities
- Non-profit fundraisers for Derry Township or adjacent communities that do not directly compete with Library or Township fundraisers
- Free local newspapers
- For-profit educational or cultural information and events deemed to be of interest to or useful for library users
The Library will not post commercial advertisements, for-sale flyers, or service advertisements. Job postings will be posted on an occasional basis as space allows, as they are in the public interest. Additionally, the Children’s Department may, at their option, provide information about daycare, tutors, or other services for juveniles as warranted.
Postings of signage must meet the following criteria:
- Signs will only be displayed on surfaces specifically designated for this purpose.
- Signs in a foreign language must be accompanied by an English translation.
- Acceptance of signage for posting does not imply Hershey Public Library’s approval of the ideas or opinions expressed therein.
- All signage is temporary. The Hershey Public Library reserves the right to establish time limits for any signs and may remove any signs at any time.
- All signage must include the name of the individual or organization responsible for the signage as well as contact information.
- Signs posted by individuals not conforming to the above policy shall be removed.
- Individuals who post signage themselves are responsible for any property damage or personal injury caused by such postings.
- Removal of signage by anyone other than Library staff members is prohibited.
- The Library reserves the right to dispose of unapproved materials placed on the Library’s premises.
- Signs must be brought to the Library and presented to the front desk. Digital postings or postings the library needs to print will not be accepted.
Contact information:
Hershey Public Library Director: 717-533-6555, extension 3715
Public Services Manager: 717-533-6555, extension 3724
Board Approved: 3/21/2023