The following are some helpful hints for parents & caregivers bringing children to any of our programs:
1. Please discuss the program with your child before you come. Explain that there will be stories, fingerplays, puppets, activities, and songs.
2. Please call the children’s librarian before bringing older or younger children to the program. Some sessions are at maximum capacity.
3. Please try to attend all programs. If you find you need to drop out, please notify the library so the next person on the waiting list may be called.
4. Try to arrive in plenty of time for the program. Programs will begin promptly. Latecomers distract both storytellers and audience members.
5. Please discuss appropriate behavior with your child. Good audience manners (listening respectfully and following directions) will be expected!
6. Although many children feel more comfortable carrying a “lovey” or toy from home, please be considerate of other participants. use your best judgment before allowing your child to bring toys to our programs.
7. Plan to check out books to you and your child can continue the library experience at home!